Cracking Cryptids and Curios
Your journey into the world of the weird and macabre starts here! Join hosts Matt and Angel as they traverse into folklore, cryptids, cursed items, strange events, and the generally bizarre world we all live in. The goal of this show is to catalogue the strangest things our world has to offer and individually rank each and every one of them to definitively answer ”what is the weirdest thing out there?” We also laugh a lot because we are genuinely having a good time. Podcast cover art by Squidtamer @SquidtamerDA

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Season 4 News Revisit and Follow-up
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
How often do you hear about some oddity or paranormal news article and it just becomes some distant memory? Wait a second... is this all a simulation? Is it the Internet AI at work again!? Join us as we reinvestigate 4 news articles and Pliny the Digital reveals his own AI lore that is mind blowing.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Season 3 News Revisit and Follow-up
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
How often do you hear about some oddity or paranormal news article and it just becomes some distant memory? It is just never spoken of again and is unceremoniously forgotten when some new, cooler, hipper news article comes out. Well not on this show! This episode we look at 4 previously discussed news articles from Season 3 and take a deeper dive into what what going on. Has there been any new information? Are there any ulterior motives at play? Was it just blatantly fake and never happened? Is this just Deja Vu?

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Season 2 News Revisit and Follow-up
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
How often do you hear about some oddity or paranormal news article and it just becomes some distant memory? It is just never spoken of again and is unceremoniously forgotten when some new, cooler, hipper news article comes out. Well not on this show! This episode we look at 4 previously discussed news articles from Season 2 and take a deeper dive into what what going on. Has there been any new information? Where there any ulterior motives at play? Was it just blatantly fake and never happened?

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Season 1 News Revisit and Follow-up
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
How often do you hear about some oddity or paranormal news article and it just becomes some distant memory? It is just never spoken of again and is unceremoniously forgotten when some new, cooler, hipper news article comes out. Well not on this show! This episode we look at 4 previously discussed news articles from Season 1 and take a deeper dive into what what going on. Has there been any new information? Where there any ulterior motives at play? Was it just blatantly fake and never happened?

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Season 4 Episode 15 - Mrs. Claus
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Ho ho holy hell Santa and Mrs. Claus have been married for nearly 1600 years!? When she isn't threatening kitchen architects, overseeing the rainbow chickens, or fleeing Fairyland, Mrs. Claus is keeping the Holiday Season in order. Ever since Episode 1 of Season 2, Santa has been our highest ranked entity. Can Mrs. Claus be the one to finally bring down the big red menace? Find out in the Season 4 finale!

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Season 4 Episode 14 - Nain Rouge
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Has the link to all other entities been found!? The Nain Rouge seems to be everything at once, yet still unique enough to be... himself. Join us as we explore the insane story of Antoine de la Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, a party where a fortune teller shows up, the founding of Detroit, and the fallout of the Nain Rouge getting it the head with a walking stick. Get the buckle, this one is a wild ride.
News story 1:

Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Season 4 Episode 13 - Brownies
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Brownies - these little scamps can either aid you or make your life a living hell! Join us as we discuss the fairy-like folk known as Brownies. These housespirits just can't hold back from cleaning every night... but at what danger do you put yourself in by having them in your home? A lot. A lot of danger.
And Angel makes Earth Juice.
News Story 1:
News Story 2:

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Season 4 Episode 12 - Flatwoods Monster
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
The 1950s were one hell of a time for alien encounters! Join us as we take a look into the entity that possibly has the most names attributed to it: The Flatwoods Monster, AKA The Braxton County Monster, AKA The Green Monster, AKA The Phantom of Flatwoods, and AKA Braxie. Whew! With this many names this nearly 12 foot tall alien that releases a supposedly cancer inducing gas better live up to the hype! Oh, and it can melt the paint off your car. Join us as we lose our minds as the reptilian takeover of the world is reportedly imminent.
News 1:
News 2:

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Season 4 Episode 11 - La Llorona
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
The Weeping Woman is upon us! This week we investigate the stories surrounding this poor soul supposedly responsible for the deaths of her two children and is now cursed to endlessly walk the Earth in search of them. Better not pout I'm telling you why, La Llorona is coming to town. She's making a list, and checking it twice; Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice. And then kill them? This episode also features a dramatic reading of a play!

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Season 4 Episode 10 - Chupacabra
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
The goat-sucker is amongst us. Watching. Waiting. Sucking. And like... it is a whole lot of blood. At some point, is there a moment where the chupacabra thinks this is just too much blood? Or is the entire body's worth of blood the exact amount? We try to answer the question: How much blood could a chupacabra suck if a chupacabra could suck blood? Join us as we discuss going mainstream and what sort of ramification it has on the show.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Season 4 Episode 9 - The Lizardman
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
The swampy waters of Lee County, South Carolina are host to the one, the only, the Lizardman. This aggressive entity seemingly hates cars but loves standing in the road, forming a most unique relationship between cryptid and humanity. From million dollar bounties to newspapers trying to name the creature, we have our hands full trying to catch this uncharacteristically normal-speed running entity. And more mirror world hijinks ensue.
News 1:
News 2:

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Season 4 Episode 8 - Ghost Trains
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Choo choo! Get your tickets here! Join us for the ride of your life as we investigate 3 ghost train stories that will spook your shoes right off your feet. Featuring Abraham Lincoln's Death Train, mysterious train lights in Canada, and an Italian time-traveling-train. All aboard!

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Season 4 Episode 7 - Bloody Mary
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Have you ever looked into the mirror and didn't like what was looking back? Maybe the mirror world has something planned for you! This week we look at the legendary Bloody Mary and attempt to decide once and for all: who the heck is she!? And for the first time ever, we also attempt to summon this episode's creature. Does she appear? Find out!
On the heels of the King of the Monster Movies Tournament, Angel gets thrown back into the fire with the Horrible Halloween Candy Classic. Which candy is the very best of the very worst? This episode is more full than a bag candy corn.

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Season 4 Episode 6 - Ningen
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
What did Japanese whalers uncover!? A mysterious gargantuan humanoid that lives in the oceans? Its nearly 100 feet in length? My-golly-Ms.-Molly we got ourselves our first aquatic cryptid on the show. How will it rank against the plethora of others than have been run through the Rubric of Power?
Angel concludes the King of the Monster Movies Tournament and crowns the must watch movie this (and any) Halloween season. Will it be the one you were hoping for!?

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Season 4 Episode 5 - Loveland Frogman
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
A man-frog with a wand!? A frog humanoid!? From the 1950s to current day the Frogman has been a presence in this world. Splice in the story of two police officers encountering a reptilian-like entity and you have a yourself a recipe for fun! Angel also finds himself neck-deep in the King of the Monster Movie Tournament, a single round elimination tournament where he decides the best movie to watch around Halloween. Will your favorite win!?