Cracking Cryptids and Curios
Your journey into the world of the weird and macabre starts here! Join hosts Matt and Angel as they traverse into folklore, cryptids, cursed items, strange events, and the generally bizarre world we all live in. The goal of this show is to catalogue the strangest things our world has to offer and individually rank each and every one of them to definitively answer ”what is the weirdest thing out there?” We also laugh a lot because we are genuinely having a good time. Podcast cover art by Squidtamer @SquidtamerDA

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Deja Movie Episode 1 - Leprechaun (OUR NEW SHOW)
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Hey there, Curiosities! If you didn't know, Matt and Angel have a new show! Join your two favorite rapscallions as they discuss movies! Is this... Deja Vu!?
Have you ever had the feeling of ”wait... I’ve seen this movie before, right?” Join hosts Matt and Angel in this movie discussion podcast all about remembering films. Some movies imprint upon us cherished memories we will never forget while others we could only wish we’d never think of again. Jump into this exploration as we rediscover films and discuss the process of how the movie was made, detail the cast, take a look at the production, and have a movie club-esque discussion of various points of the featured film. New episodes every 2 weeks. Ahoy, matey! Spoilers ahead!
Subscribe to Deja Movie where ever you listen to podcasts!

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Series Finale - The Sandman
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
We're not saying goodbye, but how about just see you later? Join us here one last time as in this Season 6 Finale turned Series Finale we investigate everyone's favorite dude who throws stuff in your eyes: The Sandman.
While we didn't go into the episode with intentions of this being the end, it felt like the right time to unplug the mics. And indeed, the AI assisted intro this episode weirdly predicted the end.
Thanks for following us on this adventure into the unknown and hopefully along the way you learned something and had a few laughs.
Good news! If you enjoy our content, we aren't exiting the podcast world just yet and will be returning in the future with a brand new show about a completely different subject: movies!
To all of our Curiosities that have been with us from the beginning, and to those that have jumped aboard this Ghost Train at any time over the years - thank you. Curiosities, you've just been cracked!

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Join us as we explore news articles about a Loch Ness jamboree of amateur monster hunters, the possibility of Edgar Allen Poe being a time traveler, a creature spotted in Texas that looks like nothing ever seen, and a deep dive into the predictions of Baba Vanga. Along the way we discover Headless Belmmyes, Baba's animal-humans, and most of all, discoveries about ourselves. Get it while it's hot! This is our final news episode!

Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Season 6 Episode 14 - Pozuelos Pyramid
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Ever be visited by a tall man with honey-colored eyes and white hair nearly down to the ankles who refers to himself as Herulayka, who then requests you build a 22 foot tall pyramid? Well Raymundo Coronas claims to have! Join us as we explore this curious structure created by a farmer in Mexico and see how this ranks in our listings!

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Season 6 Episode 13 - The Wedge of Aiud
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Suffering succotash - we have discuss the Wedge of Aiud. Not the Angle of Aiud, nor the Hedge of Aiud, or even the Sloped Object of Aiud. The real deal Wedge. This item, found next to some wonderous mastodon bones gives many people pause; how could a clearly modern object be residing next to a dead mastodon!? Could it be... aliens!?

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Season 6 Episode 12 -The Eternal Fire of Centralia
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Opps! All fire! Throughout human history there are examples of all sorts of fires that are just so stubborn they just won't go out! This episode we look at the curious coal fire underneath a Pennsylvania town that just won't sputter out, no matter how many millions of dollars gets thrown at it.

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Season 6 Episode 11 - Homunculus
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Horse wombs - also known as nature's gift box. This episode Matt and Angel investigate the alchemical wonder-child known as the homunculus and all it's horse womb shenanigans. Alchemists, where would we be today with out them?

Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
News, its what's for dinner! Well, not really, but we consume the news. I guess that's different than eating it? This episode we look into a man who believes he is a ghost and invades a home, witches caught eating a deer on a trail cam, recycling pig blood into water, and the mirror world study in which if you believe in yourself you too can be psychic!

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Hot dog! We have it all this episode! 3200 year old cheese! Butters preserved in bogs! Sarcophagus juice! And people want to eat all of these!? Join us in this, frankly, unhinged discussion of curious foods aged with... time?

Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Season 6 Episode 8 - Sleep Demons
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sleep Demons. As the ol' saying goes - can't live with them; can't live without them. These little buggers just love to watch us sleep and then deliver a super dosage of dread and despair. How nice of them! Matt and Angel discuss the various forms of sleep demons, their own personal experiences, and even dreams that induce vomiting!

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Season 6 Episode 7 - The Voynich Manuscript
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Remember a time when books were written on finely prepared animal membranes? That's insane... on the animal membrane. Join us as we flip the pages of the Voynich Manuscript to finally decipher once and for all this curious book that no one has been able to decipher? What do the words mean? What do the pictures mean? What does any of this mean!?

Sunday May 28, 2023
Season 6 Episode 6 - The Color Blue Didn’t Exist in Ancient Times
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Whoa boy... the color blue didn't exist in ancient times? Hold onto your butt as we explore this theory and also discuss concepts that don't exist now but likely will in the next 50 years. This episode spans all of human history and then some! Wow!

Sunday May 14, 2023
Season 6 Episode 5 - News Articles
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
What's that? Weird things keep happening in the news? Who knew!? Join as as we investigate the weird: a man who lives in a cave for over a decade, how much fun it is to eat dog food, time travelers on social media, and the Colombian School-girl past time of playing with Ouija Boards! Wow, that is a wide spectrum of weird!

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Season 6 Episode 4 - The Tooth Fairy
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Teeth. They are valuable. Humans want them in their mouth and the Tooth Fairy wants them for... well... what does the Tooth Fairy want teeth for? Join us as we investigate this enamel entrepreneur to figure out once and for all what the tooth agenda is!

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Season 6 Episode 3 - The Kentucky Meat Shower of 1876
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
1876. What a year! Meat fell from the sky! In this episode, we try to figure out why. And why people in 1876 would eat meat that fell from the sky! We also try to put ourselves in the shoes of everyone who experienced it in the only way we know how - by readying a play made by an artificial intelligence.